With our "Monthly Recurring" Option, you credit card is billed each month where you can wash your car as often as you like...month after month!
I authorize Star Car Wash & Express Lube to charge my credit card account for the amount of the plan I have selected on a monthly basis.
I understand this Automatic Recharge Authorization shall remain in force until I cancel by giving 7 days written notice. I understand that I may cancel this plan at any time, and that the plan will be cancelled if the monthly charge is declined by the card processing system.
I understand that circumstances may affect the availability of services, including equipment failure or inclement weather.
I understand that monthly rates may be increased, with notice posted at the site at least 30 days in advance.
With our "90 Day Wash Pass" option, you make a "one-time" purchase where you can wash your car as often as you like for 90 Days!